Healthcare Is Wrecked…by Design

Healthcare Is Wrecked…by Design

With a completely dumb-down society that is saturated in powerful mind altering drugs, most of which are 100% legal, why wouldn’t you wreck the healthcare system? If you want to destroy a nation from within it’s simple to do. It takes time, but it is simple.
– start with privatizing the currency – losses are public and gains are private
– institute a welfare system to dictate every aspect of someone’s life
– destroy the school system
– hijack and destroy entertainment
– destroy language through technology – email, text messages, twitter and other social media
– destroy piece-by-piece the Constitution
– legalize drugs – have one of your puppet companies flood the nation with opium in pill form
– have literal actors as members of the highest office of government (Reagan, Trump, AOC)
– destroy local police networks
– open your border for more than a decade
– use a series of lies to terrify the citizens – “mass” shootings, illness, war, “terrorism”, etc.
– use the media as nothing more than a weapon of deception, propaganda

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Does any of this make sense, does any of this ring true? If one item rings true the remainder of the list should be IMMEDIATELY investigated to disprove.

Common sense tells anyone this. THEY DON’T KNOW! Any GP who is saying this is OK is reckless and needs to lose their job.

Listen to the people and what they are saying – they will happily, gleefully tell you what they are going to do, then do it. Believe them.

What is going here? Why is there a change in his head? Watch and see for yourself. What is happening?

It is believed that graphene oxide is one of the ingredients in the vaccine.

Why would anyone ever have to ask if one of the most powerful people governing our country is drunk? Drunk while making decisions that effect 350,000,000 people.

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